Small business owners in Philadelphia can benefit from a wide range of resources offered by local education providers and nonprofits. Two of our favorite programs have deadlines this month for business development and financial support services designed to help local entrepreneurs improve and stabilize their businesses.
The Merchants Fund Stabilization Grant
The Merchants Fund is committed to providing for the economic needs of the merchant community with modest grants. Merchants must be located in Philadelphia for a minimum of three years. Business Stabilization grants of up to $10,000 are available to help small businesses remain stable and viable in the face of economic challenges, changes, opportunities, and crisis. The application process is competitive.
Application deadline: February 28th, 2017
Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses at the Community College of Philadelphia
Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses is a program for small businesses that links learning to action. Through the program, participants will gain practical skills in topics such as negotiation, marketing and employee management that can immediately be put into action. In addition, they will receive the tools and professional support to develop a strategic and customized growth plan that will take their business to the next level. Selected applicants will gain access to a world-class business education and connections to a professional support network at no cost.
Application deadline: February 13th, 2017
For more information on what resources are available in the Southeastern PA region, follow us on Facebook and Twitter!